The Challenges of Accessing Support for an Eating Disorder: How NEDA Helped Priya on Her Recovery Journey
BIPOC, Recovery, Special TopicsHow to Refuel: Because You Can’t Support Your Loved One on an Empty Tank
Parents & Caregivers, Special TopicsThe Body Project, Help Prevent Eating Disorders in Your Community
Body Image, Special Topics
2019 was an important year for me! It marked my 10th year in recovery from an eating disorder, and it was the year that I discovered the Body Project. At that time, I was in my 8th year as a high school counselor. Over the years, I have worked…
Campus Warriors: A Faculty Advisor’s Perspective
Special Topics, Student Life
As a faculty member at Rogers State University, I always look forward to the fall semester. It’s fun to meet new students and see returning students who are refreshed and ready to continue their educational journey. During the first week…