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Men with Eating Disorders Are Hiding in Plain Sight

Despite the growing awareness about eating disorders in diverse populations several stubborn myths persist. EDs do not just affect women and girls. In fact, in some age groups the rates of disordered eating and atypical EDs are actually higher…
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A Silent Shame

Shame divides us. It isolates us. It’s passed down to us, and we learn to keep it locked away, only for it to fester and invade the places within us where self-esteem, dignity and vulnerability should reside. It hides behind a temper, whispers…
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Creating Myself Through Recovery

As June hits, and the glow of the sun rings bright on my skin, I’m reminded of the dark times before I knew what recovery from my eating disorders looked like. Before there was any inkling of what the rays of recovery felt like on my…
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What Does Recovery Look Like?

A car collision one Friday morning required that I speak to a very astute hospital nurse. This was the first person to notice the anorexia I had been living with. It wouldn’t take long for my family members to also discover my behaviors…
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Barrier to Treatment

Diversity, body positivity, and inclusion have become priorities for many of our favorite brands, and are major themes in messages from our admired celebrities and influencers, all in an effort to make people feel included with a sense of…
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Running Away from Anorexia

Editor's Note: CW - This post includes the mention of specific eating disorders thoughts/behaviors.It was another fun Saturday night dinner with the guys. Everyone had paid their bills, and it was time for us to go our separate ways. Before…
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Male Body Image and Weight Stigma

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The topic of body image is a constant discussion topic in the eating disorders community, especially more and more as we begin to see the harmful effects of diet culture and the prevalence of anti-fat bias. The deeper we dive into the subject,…
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Dating in the LGBTQ+ Community: Perspective from a Guy in Recovery

In this day and age with all the apps, dating has become mainstream. But, while it’s become extremely accessible for all communities, it’s also become ever fleeting. You meet someone and there’s one thing you don’t like about them, so…