Self-Care: 20 Minutes to a More Peaceful Space

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Self-Care: 20 Minutes to a More Peaceful Space
Summer self-care series (banner long)
Cody Elderkin (resized)

By Cody Elderkin

Self-Care: 20 Minutes to a More Peaceful Space

Summer Self-Care Series 2018

It’s easy to feel like you’re in disarray when your space feels cluttered. Do a quick tidy-up. Throw all clothes in a hamper, wash the dishes in the sink, and make sure everything is in its place! Even if you just take the time to straighten the piles of paper mounting on your desk, it’s a start, and will make you feel so much more at peace.

Set a timer.

When you set timers, you have dedicated a certain amount of time to solely focus on the task at hand. It’s amazing how much you can get done in 20 minutes!

Make your space cozy.

Take a cue from the Norwegians and add a little Hygge in your space. Hygge is a Norwegian word that means “cozy”. They practice it in many ways, but an easy way to add a little bit of cozy-ness in your space is finding a favorite candle, and actually burning it! It’s easy to feel like you have to save that candle for a special occasion, but adding that small step in your routine is a great way to celebrate you! My favorite candle is Elysian Garden by Voluspa.

Let there be light.

This may mean switching out your blackout curtains, adding lamps, washing your windows, or simply switching the bulbs in your current light fixtures for better bulbs! There is nothing worse than a bright house that looks like a Wal-Mart. That will not foster the calmness you are seeking. Look for bulbs that say “warm” or “soft” light. Stay away from fluorescent, cool whites, or LED lights. If you’re willing to spend a little extra cash, invest in either Hue or Lifx light bulbs, so you can create any ambiance you like! When looking for curtains, if you need privacy, make sure you are specifically looking for “light filtering” and not “sheer”. Give your windows a quick clean, and you might be surprised the difference it makes!

Take stock.

Take stock of the things you keep around the place. Do you have things in your home that bring back bad memories, that someone gave you but you just don’t like, or old things you’re hanging onto just because? Get rid of them! The more joyful things you surround yourself with, the more joy you will feel.

Add a little life.

Houseplants have been proven to improve air quality, and they are pretty to look at! If you’re like me and have a black thumb, download the app Koubachi to send you little reminders to water your specific plant (they literally customize it based on the plant you have). Or, buy an aqua globe to keep your buddy hydrated.

Carve out a place to read.

Carve out a little place to read or meditate that isn’t your bed. Make sure it’s cozy and inviting. This has to be a place you want to be. Make sure it stays clutter-free so the space is always available when you need it.

Cody Elderkin is the founder of KIN home staging + design. She has a BA in Art and Design from the University of LaVerne and has worked in several design fields including jewelry, renovations, and branding. Her work has been published in several major publications including Lucky Magazine, Cosmopolitan, Redbook, InStyle Magazine, People Style Watch and more. You can view Cody Elderkin’s work and contact her through her website,

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