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Surviving the Holidays as a Transgender or Nonbinary Person

It is that time of year again: the holiday season. It is supposed to be a time of merriment and joining together of family, but for many it just winds up being a time of despair, dread, hangovers, fights, tears, and sadness.For those of us who…
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Beyond the Binary: My Experience as a Gender Nonconforming Person in Recovery

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Eating disorders are stereotypically viewed as illnesses that plague young, upper-class, white females. This idea is perpetuated by a variety of factors, including the media, and prevents other people with eating disorders from seeking or receiving…
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Providing Better Care for Transgender and Non-Binary Patients

In our work as a public health researcher (Allegra) and clinician (Carly), we have been excited to see growing interest in improving care for transgender and non-binary patients within the eating disorders field. Below we offer some lessons…
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Dear Leon: How Can I Develop a Positive Body Image As a Gender Non-Conforming Person?

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Leon Silvers is a psychotherapist, founder, and director of Silvers Psychotherapy, a group therapy practice in NYC. He specializes in working with clients with eating disorders, substance abuse, trauma, and LGBT issues. He has worked in various…
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7 Ways to Make Recovery Communities More Trans Affirming

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It’s Transgender Awareness Week, a time meant to raise visibility and acceptance for transgender and gender non-conforming people. As one of the most marginalized groups in America today, transgender people are often denied access to basic…

We Need to Talk About Gender and Sexuality in the Doctor’s Office

Last night, I had the privilege of attending “Gender and Sexuality in the Doctor’s Office: LGBTQ Experiences of Healthcare Across Contexts,” a visiting scholar lecture at CLAGS by Emily Allen Paine, a doctoral candidate in the Department…
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How the Media is Failing the Disabled Community

Note: this piece uses identity-first language (autistic, disabled, etc.) based on the preferences of many of our community members.  When I started watching Atypical, I was hopeful. Finally, there was a show purportedly centered on Sam,…

How to Have a Happy, Safe, and Non-Offensive Halloween Weekend

Halloween is right around the corner. While the smell of cinnamon and carving pumpkins can be exciting, costumes are sometimes a cause of offense. In previous years, Halloween costumes have had a tendency to veer more toward offensive than fun…
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Dear Leon: How Can I Find an LGBTQ+ Positive Therapist?

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Leon Silvers is a psychotherapist, founder, and director of Silvers Psychotherapy, a group therapy practice in NYC. He specializes in working with clients with eating disorders, substance abuse, trauma, and LGBT issues. He has worked in various…
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Instilling and Supporting Body Confidence in Men

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When I was deeply suffering from my eating disorder, I hated my body. I abused it. Worst of all, I separated myself from it. My mind became one entity and my body became another. To my mind, my body seldom did anything right. Since entering…