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How My Mom Helped Save My Life

I can vividly recall my first day at the UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital clinic. I had already been sick for 3 years, in which time I had seen more treatment providers than I can count on two hands. I was beginning to lose hope that I would…

When You Feel Like Giving Up in Recovery, Pause

When I began my recovery from my Eating Disorder (ED), Anorexia Nervosa (AN), I had a lot of momentum. I was sprinting towards a “recovery finish line” that I had imagined for myself within a self-imposed timeframe of a few months. This…
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Speaking at the DC NEDA Walk: A Milestone in My Recovery

Most of us have heard this before: recovery is not a linear process. As I graduated from treatment in November 2017, I kept that message in mind. My outpatient team and my family continue to remind me that I don’t have to seek perfection in…

My *Flexible* Recovery Letter

This one’s to you, anorexia – For changing my life. --I want to open this with a personal share – The other day, I went to post a picture on my recovery Instagram account. I was by the pool – one of the first warm Spring…
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Sexual Assault, Anorexia Nervosa, and Recovery

In honor of April’s Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month (SAAM), as a result of the dedicated efforts of the Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN), I wanted to share my personal experience of the connection between sexual…

Diagnosis in Defense: Why a Doctor’s Opinion is Not Always a Final Destination

Her eyes flickered as they made contact with mine. Finally, she exclaimed, “I’ve never seen anything like it; your dexa-scan is like that of an 80-year-old, or even older! As her words sunk in, I looked down at my hands, ashamed at the state…
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At the NEDA Conference, I Found My People

If struggling with an eating disorder has ever left you feeling isolated or “different” than the people around you, or if you’ve ever looked around and realized that you’re recovering into a culture that can be unsupportive and even…

The Challenge of Going to a Restaurant While in Eating Disorder Recovery

“Let’s go out to eat.” The words immediately used to trigger a thousand thoughts. Which excuse do I use this time? Do I have homework? Am I busy? Maybe I don’t feel well? Or maybe this time I should just go so no one gets suspicious? Those…
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You Are Not Alone: Self-Care Tips and Resources for Survivors of Sexual Assault

Here at NEDA, we find it vital to recognize the unique experiences of individuals from different communities who are affected by eating disorders and sexual assault. In honor of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, we've compiled a list of helpful…
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Finding the Balance Between My Education and Eating Disorder Recovery

My eating disorder has had a significant impact on my life, as most eating disorders do, and it has caused me to miss out on a lot. One of the aspects of my life that has suffered due to my eating disorder is my education. Although I have struggled…