NEDA is committed to supporting research by connecting participants with research studies. The following research opportunities were submitted to NEDA with IRB approval.
Disclaimer: Please note that NEDA shares these studies as an information resource only. This listing does not imply endorsement or recommendation of the studies, the researchers, or the institutions listed. Please direct any questions about the studies to the researchers.
Treatment Based
Anorexia Nervosa
Contact Information
Contact Name: Hazal Gurcan
Email: [email protected]
Research Setting
Online Survey, Hospital with Separate Setting
Study Period
Start Date: 3/1/2023
End Date: 3/1/2028
IRB Expiration Date: 6/25/2025
Diagnosis Researched
Anorexia Nervosa
Participant Requirements
Gender: All genders
Age: 12-18 years old
Travel: None
Additional Information: Adolescent participant is between the ages of 12 and 18 years of age with DSM-5 AN; Adolescent participant lives with at least one family member; Parents of the adolescent participant are able to read and speak fluent English; Family has access to a computer with a reliable internet connection; Adolescent participant is medically stable for remote, outpatient treatment.
Study Information
Study Involves: Stanford University is conducting a study on virtual treatments for anorexia nervosa in adolescents. The study will consist of: Randomization to either: Virtual family-based treatment (FBT-V), or Online guided self-help family-based treatment (GSH-FBT). In addition to treatment, participants will complete assessments and questionnaires throughout the course of the study.
Description of Services: With an incidence rate of about 1%, Anorexia Nervosa (AN) is a serious mental disorder associated with high mortality, morbidity, and cost. AN in youth is more responsive to early treatment but becomes highly resistant once it has taken an enduring course. The first-line treatment for adolescents with AN is Family Based Treatment (FBT). While FBT can be delivered using videoconferencing (FBT-V), therapists’ limited availability hampers scalability. Guided self- help (GSH) versions of efficacious treatments have been used to scale and increase access to care. The main aim of this proposed comparative effectiveness study is to confirm that clinical improvements in GSH-FBT are achieved with greater efficiency than FBT-V in generalizable clinical settings.
Contact Information
Contact Name: Abigail McCarthy
Email: [email protected]
Research Setting
Online Survey
Study Period
Start Date: 9/3/2021
End Date: 12/2/2024
IRB Expiration Date: 12/2/2024
Diagnosis Researched
Anorexia Nervosa, Atypical Anorexia
Participant Requirements
Gender: All genders
Age: 18-65 years old
Travel: None
Additional Information: Participants must have active, partial remission, or full remission AN or AAN and have been discharged from acute care (inpatient hospitalization, residential, partial hospitalization/day treatment, or intensive outpatient) within the last 6 months. Participants can still be receiving care and be eligible (ex. someone who stepped down from PHP and is currently in IOP, or someone who stepped down from IOP to outpatient, etc.).
Participants will receive up to $110 for their participation in the study. They will be compensated based on study, mobile application, and self-report questionnaire completion. The specific breakdown is as follows: for completing the baseline, midpoint, and posttreatment questionnaires, mobile application questions, and follow-up questionnaires, they will receive $100. For completing the two-month follow up assessment, they will receive $10. No compensation is provided for completion of the screening.
Study Information
Study Involves: All participants can expect to spend 3 hours across two screening sessions and 3 hours for self-report questionnaire completion divided across four time points throughout 12-week study. Participants assigned to the FED-F treatment condition can expect to spend approximately 3 hours weekly on treatment tasks. Participants assigned to the Self-Monitoring condition can expect to spend approximately 1.5 hours weekly on treatment tasks.
Description of Services:
The main experimental phase of this study involves random assignment to an up to 12-session virtual relapse prevention treatment condition (Facing Eating Disorder Fears) or self-monitoring. For the Facing Eating Disorder Fears condition, treatment sessions will be separated by one week and will be delivered via a virtual treatment portal. Participants in the self-monitoring condition will complete three short surveys per day for up to 12 weeks.
Contact Information
Contact Name: Dr. Tania Amorim
Email: [email protected]
Study Location: 3459 Fifth Ave, Pittsburgh PA 15217
Research Setting
Hospital with Separate Setting
Study Period
Start Date: 8/28/2020
End Date: 12/31/2025
IRB Approved
Diagnosis Researched
Anorexia Nervosa
Participant Requirements
Gender: Women
Age: 19-45 years old
Travel: Yes, travel to the University of Pittsburgh (see study location above).
Up to $575 & parking or transportation reimbursement
Study Information
Study Involves: Participation includes a screening visit, a baseline visit, four additional outpatient visits, and three 10 minute phone check-ins over the course of eighteen months. Eligible participants will be randomly assigned (like the flip of a coin) to receive either a hormonal skin patch called Climara Pro® or the placebo patch. The placebo patch does not contain any hormones.
Tests and assessments during the study include MRI scans, CT scans, DXA scans, physical exams, medical history, nutritional evaluations, questionnaires, blood draws, and urine samples.
Description of Services:
Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder that causes a person to eat very little and become extremely thin. Women who have anorexia nervosa can develop a variety of health complications, including significant bone loss that may lead to breaks and fractures. Bone loss in women with anorexia nervosa is caused by hormonal changes related to long-term nutritional deficiencies.
The purpose of the study is to find out if a hormonal skin patch called Climara Pro® can increase bone density in premenopausal women who have anorexia nervosa and bone loss. Climara Pro® is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat bone loss and other symptoms in menopausal women, but is not approved to treat bone loss in women with anorexia nervosa.
Contact Information
Contact Name: Anjali Sharma
Email: [email protected]
Research Setting
Online Survey
Study Period
Start Date: 5/1/2023
End Date: 6/30/2025
IRB Expiration Date: 9/16/2024
Diagnosis Researched
Anorexia Nervosa, OSFED; Individuals with past history of weight restoration in treatment.
Participant Requirements
Gender: All genders
Age: 13-21 years old
Travel: None
Additional Information: Participants must have attended intensive care in order to restore weight in the past 18 months (i.e. inpatient, residential, partial hospitalization, or intensive outpatient). Participants must now be in regular outpatient care, or seeking outpatient care.
Participants will be compensated for each procedure completed as part of the research study. The maximum compensation is $213.50.
Study Information
Description of Services: Do you struggle with feeling anxious or depressed, can’t cope with life stressors, or want to start improving your body image once and for all? We can help! We’re researchers at the University of Kansas and we’re contacting you to let you know about an additional, free, and low-commitment support app. Our app was made in collaboration with teens and young adults (and their caregivers) who have lived experience with an eating disorder. Because we made this app with you and for you, it addresses the problems “underneath” the eating disorder. Things like feeling sad, having bad self-esteem, and trouble coping with stress.
For 12 weeks, you’ll get interactive app content that builds on the skills you’re learning in therapy to help you feel less anxious and depressed, manage life stressors, and improve your body image. The info from your app will be shared with your therapist, which will help them help you better during sessions. You can click this link and see if you’re eligible:
Want to participate but don’t have a therapist? Just send us an email. We have a listing of therapists who want to help you, including many low-cost options!
Study Involves: Study procedures include questionnaires, interviews, and downloading and using our mobile phone app to complete weekly surveys. Depending on what group you are randomly assigned to, you will either review 2-3 treatment lessons each week or complete a few daily diary reports each week. Your outpatient therapist will review your survey responses and app content during the study. Use of the mobile app will last 12 weeks, with follow up surveys at 3- and 6- months after the app ends. The risk of participating in this study is no greater than present in routine psychological testing.
Contact Information
Contact Name: Kianna Zucker
Email: [email protected]
Study Location: 675 18th Street, San Francisco, CA 94107
Research Setting
Hospital with Separate Setting
Study Period
Start Date: 8/21/2023
End Date: 8/31/2027
IRB Approved
Diagnosis Researched
Anorexia Nervosa
Participant Requirements
Gender: Women
Age: 14-17 years old
Travel: In person visits are located at: 675 18th Street, San Francisco, CA 94107
Up to $235 in Amazon gift cards
Study Information
Study Involves: Participants with anorexia nervosa will receive 6 months of family-based treatment at no cost through our clinic at UCSF.
The research component of our study includes:
– A screening call
– A Zoom appointment
– 1-3 meetings in person. Participants with anorexia nervosa will attend an in-person appointment in the first week of treatment, 1 month later, and after 6 months of treatment. During each meeting, teens will be asked to complete self-report questionnaires and some brief computer tasks.
Description of Services: We are recruiting adolescent females aged 14-17 who either struggle with anorexia nervosa and are already receiving care through the UCSF Eating Disorders program, or adolescent females aged 14-17 who have never struggled with an eating disorder or a psychiatric disorder.
Participation in the study will involve completing a brief screening process, attending a Zoom appointment, and 1-3 meetings in person. During each meeting, teens will be asked to complete self-report questionnaires and some brief tasks.
Participants can earn between $95 – $235 for participation in the study.
Participants struggling with anorexia nervosa will receive up to 6 months of psychotherapy at no cost with members of our team.
For more information, contact [email protected]!
VIBRANT Study (Virtual Interventions to Bolster Recovery following Anorexia Nervosa Treatment)
Contact Information
Contact Name: Kira Venables
Email: [email protected]
Research Setting
Online Survey, University/College Counseling Program
Study Period
Start Date: 10/24/2023
End Date: 8/1/2025
IRB Expiration Date: 2/7/2025
Diagnosis Researched
Anorexia Nervosa, Atypical Anorexia.
Participant Requirements
Gender: All genders
Age: 18+
Travel: None
Additional Information: Discharged from intensive treatment (inpatient, residential, PHP, IOP) within the past 6 months
$500 total (plus up to $50 in potential bonuses)
Study Information
Study Involves: -Baseline eligibility/assessment visit
-Computer tasks
-24 weekly individual treatment sessions on Zoom
-One week of phone surveys (EMA) before and after completing the study treatment
-Mid-treatment, end-of-treatment, and follow-up assessment visits
Description of Services:
The REPEAT Lab at Virginia Commonwealth University is seeking adults who have recently been discharged from higher-level care (e.g., residential, inpatient, partial hospitalization, or intensive outpatient programs) for symptoms of anorexia nervosa (e.g., restrictive eating, weight loss, fear of weight gain) to participate in a research study examining a potential new treatment.
The purpose of the study is to compare two different remotely-delivered behavioral interventions on how well they support eating disorder recovery following intensive treatment. All study procedures are conducted virtually. In the first visit, which takes about 4-5 hours to complete remotely, participants complete interviews and questionnaires about eating habits and psychological experiences, have height and blind weight measured, and complete computer tasks. Participants are also asked to complete questionnaires on their mobile phones over one week. After completing assessments, eligible participants will be randomized to receive one of two behavioral interventions designed to bolster recovery following intensive treatment. Each intervention consists of 24 individual, weekly, hour-long sessions conducted online with a mental health practitioner. Participants will remotely complete assessments and have blind weight measured weekly throughout and after intervention sessions to monitor satisfaction and progress. Because this study includes new, experimental interventions, it is possible that not all participants will directly benefit from study participation. Participants can be enrolled in other treatments while in this study. Participants will be compensated up to $500 (plus possible bonuses) for their time.
ARFID (Avoidant Restrictive Intake Disorder)
Contact Information
Contact Name: Hali Boyce
Email: [email protected]
Research Setting
Hospital with Separate Setting; Online Survey
Study Period
Start Date: 12/1/2020
End Date: 6/30/2025
IRB Expiration Date: 3/25/2025
Diagnosis Researched
Participant Requirements
Gender: All genders
Age: 6-12 years old
Travel: None.
Additional Information: Children between the ages 6-12; Child is underweight and has symptoms of ARFID (undereating, picky eating, and/or fearfulness of eating); The family is able to speak English and the child is living with at least one parent (the whole family will be enrolled for treatment); Child is medically stable for outpatient treatment; and the whole family is able to make a 6-month commitment.
Participants will be paid $50 upon completion of the study, the end-of-treatment, and the 6-month follow-up assessments and questionnaires for the study. No compensation is provided for completion of the screening.
Study Information
Study Involves: All participants can expect to spend 3 hours for the study screening. Additionally, participants can expect to complete session questionnaires, a one-month assessment, two-month assessment, end-of-treatment assessment, and a 6-month follow-up assessment. For participants randomized to the Family-Based Treatment-ARFID condition, there will be 14 1-hour telehealth sessions that will be conducted weekly over a 4-month period for the entire family, employing the same interventions as standard FBT for other eating disorders. For participants who are randomized to the Manualized Non-Specific Usual Care for ARFID condition, there will be 14 1-hour telehealth sessions that will be conducted weekly over a 4-month period with 5 parent-only meetings and 9 child-only meetings. In the Manualized Non-Specific Usual Care for ARFID condition, sessions are psychoeducational and follow a motivational enhancement approach that is based on a non-directive psychotherapy model used in other trials with eating disorders.
Description of Services:
This study is examining the efficacy and mechanism of family therapy compared to usual care for children between the ages of 6 and 12 who are diagnosed with Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder. Preliminary data suggest that family therapy is superior to usual care and that improvement in parental self-efficacy related to feeding their children is the mechanism of treatment. In addition, this study will attempt to identify specific patient groups who respond to family therapy.
Binge Eating Disorder
Contact Information
Contact Name: Syrentis Clinical Research
Email: [email protected]
Study Location: 1401 N. Tustin Ave Suite 130 , Santa Ana, CA 92705
Research Setting
Private Practice, Residential Setting
Study Period
Start Date: 8/1/2024
End Date: 2/28/2025
IRB Approved
Diagnosis Researched
Binge Eating Disorder
Participant Requirements
Gender: All genders
Age: 18-55
Travel: Yes, on site visits every week for the first 8 visits, then 2 weeks after.
Visits 1-2, 11 in office visits $150
Visits 3 and 12 Phone contact visits are $50
4-10 in office visits $100
Study Information
Study Involves: Use of Solriamfetol.
Description of Services:
The Axsome SOL-BED-301 Study is looking at how well an investigational study drug works for people living with Binge Eating Disorder (BED).
Binge eating disorder is characterized by recurrent episodes of binge eating, which include:
Eating within a discrete period of time (e.g., within any 2-hour period), an amount of food that is definitely larger than what most people would eat in a similar period of time under similar circumstances
A sense of lack of control over one’s eating during the episode (e.g., a feeling that one cannot stop eating or control what or how much one is eating)
In this study, doctors want to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of an oral investigational drug. Researchers want to compare the investigational drug to placebo, which looks like the investigational drug but contains no active medication.
The investigational drug is not approved to treat BED. You may not directly benefit from participating in this study. However, the results of this study will provide more information about the investigational drug and whether it could one day be approved to treat BED.
Multiple Diagnoses
Contact Information
Contact Name: Janet Lydecker
Email: [email protected]
Research Setting
Hospital with Separate Setting
Study Period
Start Date: 1/1/2023
End Date: 12/31/2025
IRB Expiration Date: 12/31/2025
Diagnosis Researched
Binge Eating Disorder, Bulimia Nervosa, OSFED
Additional Notes: Teens with higher weight and binge eating and extreme weight control behaviors (purging) – can be subthreshold BN
Participant Requirements
Gender: All genders
Age: 13-19 years old
Travel: None
Additional Information: Parent of child <18 must provide consent and participate in monthly family sessions. Compensation $225 Study Information Study Involves: Interview at beginning and end; monthly surveys; weekly online (zoom) telehealth 1-hour therapy sessions with clinician. Description of Services: We are recruiting adolescents who binge and purge (or go to extremes to lose weight) and have a higher weight. About the treatment: The study treats bulimia nervosa using cognitive behavioral therapy or mindfulness The treatment is delivered by telehealth (zoom) There is no cost to the patient, and no cost to their insurance Treatment lasts 4 months Who to refer: Adolescents (all genders) between 12-19 years old For this study, binge eating is feeling out of control while eating; purging can be many different behaviors including self-induced vomiting, overexercise, fasting, misusing laxatives/diuretics, etc. To see if eligible: The teen or parent can call: (203) 785-7210 or email: [email protected]
The teen or parent can review general information:
Direct-to-provider: email Dr Lydecker at [email protected]
Contact Information
Contact Name: Caitlin Martin-Wagar
Email: [email protected]
Research Setting
University/College Counseling Program
Study Period
Start Date: 6/5/2024
End Date: 1/31/2025
IRB Approved
Diagnosis Researched
Anorexia Nervosa, ARFID, Binge Eating Disorder, Bulimia Nervosa, OSFED
Participant Requirements
Gender: All genders
Age: 8-17 years old
Travel: Optional – If interested and family is located close to the University of Montana, they have the option to do in person visits if they would like to. Otherwise, study procedures can be done completely remotely.
Additional Information: Eligible participants for this study include youth (ages 8-17) with an ED and their family. Pre-screening will occur via telephone and then those who fit initial criteria will complete a diagnostic assessment to determine ED diagnosis. Participants will also be screened for medical stability to engage in the outpatient level of care provided in this study.
Up to $200.
Study Information
Study Involves: The adolescent will attend a diagnostic assessment (in-person or remote) to determine whether they meet criteria for an eating disorder and if the study is a good fit for them. If they do not meet criteria for an eating disorder or are not a good fit for this study, referrals will be provided. If eligible, parent(s)/guardian(s) and the child will be asked to complete online, self-report questionnaires related to their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It will take about 15-20 minutes to complete the survey. Next, the family will be randomized to receive either the traditional Family-Based Treatment (FBT) or the FBT and a new weight stigma component. The family will attend weekly family therapy sessions addressing the eating disorder for 12 weeks. There are self-report measures to complete at week 6 and at the end of treatment, as well. All study procedures can be completed remotely (over zoom) or in-person at the University of Montana.
Description of Services:
This study seeks to improve pediatric eating disorder treatment. The project will test the effectiveness and feasibility of a new treatment component for pediatric eating disorders. All eligible families will receive Family-Based Treatment (FBT), an evidence-based treatment that helps many youths with eating disorders and their families. Half the families will also be randomly assigned to receive the additional treatment component, which focuses on weight stigma.
Contact Information
Contact Name: Rachel Vanderkruik
Email: [email protected]
Research Setting
Online Survey
Study Period
Start Date: 5/28/2024
End Date: 12/31/2025
IRB Approved
Diagnosis Researched
Anorexia Nervosa, ARFID, Binge Eating Disorder, Bulimia Nervosa, OSFED; Pregnant individuals with a history of an eating disorder or disordered eating behaviors, Pica, Rumination disorder (RD).
Participant Requirements
Gender: All genders
Age: 18 years or older
Travel: None.
Additional Information: Participants may be eligible if they are 18 years of age or older, are in the first or second trimester of pregnancy, have a history of an eating disorder or disordered eating behaviors, read and speak English, have a device with a camera, and are willing and able to participate in the study.
Participants may be compensated up to $250 for their completion of study procedures.
Study Information
Study Involves: Participants will be asked to answer some brief questions online. If it seems like the study might be a good fit, we will have a phone call to confirm eligibility, answer any questions, and enroll in the study.
Next, participants will complete online study questionnaires. The program will have six weekly 1-hour virtual group sessions.
After completing the 6-week program, participants will complete online study questionnaires. Study participants may also be asked to complete a brief phone interview after the program to receive feedback. They will also complete online study questionnaires at 3-months postpartum and at 6-months postpartum.
Description of Services:
Many people feel unhappy with their bodies, especially during pregnancy. Pregnancy can make people feel worried or upset about their body’s changes. For those who had a history of disordered eating behaviors, these worries might make past eating problems come back. Unfortunately, we don’t have good programs to help with body dissatisfaction and disordered eating during pregnancy or postpartum.
We want to fix this. We have created two programs that aim to help with body image and eating concerns. In this research study, we are testing these programs to see which one is more effective. The main goal is to improve and prevent increased eating disorder symptoms and body dissatisfaction during pregnancy or postpartum.
Survey Based
Anorexia Nervosa
Contact Information
Contact Name: Kianna Zucker
Email: [email protected]
Study Location: 675 18th Street, San Francisco, CA 94107
Research Setting
Hospital with Separate Setting
Study Period
Start Date: 1/21/2021
End Date: 3/31/2026
IRB Approved
Diagnosis Researched
Anorexia Nervosa
Participant Requirements
Gender: All genders
Age: 14-18 years old
Travel: In person visits are located at: 675 18th Street, San Francisco, CA 94107
$150 Amazon gift card
Study Information
Study Involves: Participants are randomly assigned to complete either 1 or 2 in-person study visits
In the 1st study visit, all participants complete:
– A short interview with our team
– Computer tasks
-Online surveys
In the 2nd study visit, ~40% of participants:
– Receive an fMRI scan (painless brain scan)
Description of Services: We are recruiting teens (ages 14-18) with anorexia nervosa OR with no history of an eating disorder or a current psychiatric disorder to participate in a neuroimaging study that is exploring how anorexia might be linked to changes in the brain that impact decision-making.
Participants will be randomly selected to attend either one or two in-person study visits. In the first study visit, all participants will complete a short interview, computer tasks, and surveys. Participants who are randomized to a second study visit will undergo a safe, noninvasive fMRI scan.
Participants receive a $150 Amazon gift card for participating. If you or someone else you know might be eligible, or if you have any questions, contact [email protected]!
Contact Information
Contact Name: Sophia Wolk
Email: [email protected]
Study Location: 53 E 96th Street, Suite 1A, New York, NY 10029
Research Setting
Hospital with Separate Setting
Study Period
Start Date: 5/6/2022
End Date: 4/3/2025
IRB Expiration Date: 3/18/2025
Diagnosis Researched
Anorexia Nervosa; OSFED
Participant Requirements
Gender: All genders
Age: 16-30 years old
Travel: Yes – 53 E 96th Street, Suite 1A, New York, NY 10029
Compensation includes $300 for completing all study visits.
Study Information
Study Involves: If you choose to participate, you will be asked to complete a screening visit and two research visits. The screening visit will last about 1 hour, and each research visit will last about 4 hours for a total of approximately 10 hours over the course of 3-4 weeks. These visits include the following: – Consent/Screening Visit – We will ask some questions to determine your eligibility for the study, your height and weight will be measured. If eligible, you will also complete online surveys. – Visits 2 & 3 – These visits both include stimulation (taVNS) for 1 hour, stomach recordings, a shake to drink, and a computer task.
Description of Services:
This research study includes an examination of vagal nerve stimulation (taVNS) on eating behavior and stomach functioning in people who suffer from Anorexia Nervosa. The vagus nerve is a nerve that goes from your brain to your stomach. The device we are using is investigational and has not been explored yet in Anorexia Nervosa and the effect on clinical symptoms. This project includes measurements of eating behavior, facial responses to food-cues, and stomach muscle contractions. Individuals with eating disorders tend to have different stomach sensations than people without eating disorders. The reasons for this are not well understood and may have to do with signals that your body sends from your brain to your stomach. Understanding whether VNS improves eating behaviors can help identify and test new possible treatments for Anorexia Nervosa.
Contact Information
Contact Name: Margaret Westwater
Email: [email protected]
Study Location: Yale University Magnetic Resonance Research Center (New Haven, CT)
Research Setting
Hospital with Separate Setting
Study Period
Start Date: 11/13/2023
End Date: 6/10/2026
IRB Expiration Date: 6/10/2026
Diagnosis Researched
Anorexia Nervosa
Participant Requirements
Gender: Women
Age: 18-45 years old
Travel: Yes. This study involves two in-person visits to the Magnetic Resonance Research Center at Yale University in New Haven, CT. Travel expenses may be reimbursed.
Additional Information: To be eligible, you should meet the criteria below:
– Female
– 18-45 years old
– Have current symptoms or a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa
– No history of brain injury or neurological conditions
You will be compensated up to $240 for your time. Travel expenses may be reimbursed.
Study Information
Study Involves: We are inviting women who are currently suffering with anorexia nervosa symptoms to participate in a brain imaging study on decision-making. You will complete two visits to the Yale University Magnetic Resonance Research Center (New Haven, CT).
At the screening visit, we will collect a blood sample and ask you some questions about your health history. The study visit will involve questionnaires, computer tasks, an MRI scan, and additional blood sampling. Then, we will ask you to complete follow-up surveys at home.
Description of Services: The study procedures are summarized above. Please email [email protected] for additional details.
Contact Information
Contact Name: Keira Seacombe
Email: [email protected]
Research Setting
Community Mental Health, Online Survey
Study Period
Start Date: 3/18/2024
End Date: 9/30/2024
This study has received approval from the Swansea University’s School of Psychology Ethics Board Committee Expiration date: 9/30/2024.
Diagnosis Researched
Anorexia Nervosa
Participant Requirements
Gender: All genders
Age: 18+
Travel: None.
Study Information
Study Involves: Participants will be asked to attend a virtual interview via Zoom, or by telephone if preferred, which will take approximately 30-60 minutes.
Description of Services:
Mindfulness has been shown to be an effective approach across a range of psychological disorders, however the research is currently sparse in regard to certain eating disorders. We are conducting research to explore the lived experiences of individuals with anorexia nervosa who have engaged in mindfulness techniques such as meditation, yoga, mindfulness eating, body scans, or mindful breathing, as a recovery tool or coping mechanism for their eating disorder. To take part in this research, you must be over 18 years of age, and be identified as having anorexia nervosa. Participants will be asked to attend a virtual interview via Zoom, or by telephone if preferred, which will take approximately 30-60 minutes. Upon completion, participants will be further informed of the rationale behind the research.
This research is being conducted by Keira Seacombe ([email protected]), supervised by Dr Rachael Hunter ([email protected])
If you are interested in being a participant, please contact Keira Seacombe via email: [email protected].
Contact Information
Contact Name: Julie Kantner
Email: [email protected]
Study Location: 600 N Wolfe Street. Baltimore, MD 21287
Research Setting
University/College Counseling Program, Hospital with Separate Setting
Study Period
Start Date: 11/1/2023
End Date: 12/1/2024
IRB Approved
Diagnosis Researched
Anorexia Nervosa, Atypical Anorexia Nervosa
Participant Requirements
Gender: Women
Age: 13-70 years old
Travel: Study visits are conducted at the Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, MD. Parking compensation will be provided.
Study Information
Study Involves: Participants will complete three visits:
Visit 1 is a screening visit to confirm that the individual will consume Ensure within a 10-minute window (‘Ensure test’). This visit will take place at the Phipps Building at Johns Hopkins Hospital.
Visit 2 includes an Ensure meal tolerance test (MTT) and a serial blood draw to measure gut hormone responses to the meal. The liquid meal will be Ensure. Cognitive behavioral assessments and self-report questionnaires will also be administered. This visit will take place at the Johns Hopkins Hospital Clinical Research Unit.
Visit 3 includes an Ensure meal and a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scan. This visit will take place at the Kennedy Krieger Institute located on the Johns Hopkins East Baltimore Campus.
Description of Services:
This research is being conducted to understand the effect of behavioral treatment and meal-based weight restoration on the gastrointestinal peptide response in anorexia nervosa (AN). Females with diagnosed anorexia nervosa and normal weight females without an eating disorder may join this study. This is not a treatment study.
Contact Information
Contact Name: Indigo Erez
Email: [email protected]
Research Setting
University/College Counseling Program, Online Survey
Study Period
Start Date: 1/1/2024
End Date: 12/31/2024
IRB Expiration Date: 12/31/2024
Diagnosis Researched
Anorexia Nervosa; People without a history of eating disorders and those who have recovered from anorexia nervosa
Participant Requirements
Gender: All genders
Age: 18-30 years old
Travel: None
Additional Information: Must be an adult caregiver participating either currently or recently in a young person’s eating disorder treatment.
Prize draw of 10 $100 gift vouchers.
Study Information
Study Involves: Completing a few questionnaires online and a performance based task online.
Description of Services: The study is investigating relationship quality in anorexia nervosa. We are specifically trying to understand the role of empathy in these relationships and how deficits in this area might lessen the effectiveness of the treatments we use for anorexia nervosa. Participants need to be between the ages of 18-30 and are required to fill out some surveys online and then complete an online task where they identify emotions from facial expressions. The survey only takes up to an hour (most people finish it in a shorter time frame). We are looking for people with a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa, people who have previously lived with anorexia nervosa but have recovered, and people who have never experienced anorexia nervosa.
This research could inform how we subsequently treat anorexia nervosa. For example, if we find that people with this condition have difficulties with empathy and relating to others (which there is already preliminary evidence for in the literature), we could adapt the way we treat anorexia so that we are not relying on the therapeutic relationship between the client and the clinician. Instead, we might add empathy and relational skills to treatment to help the therapeutic relationship and boost overall effectiveness. Alternatively, it might be a cue that we need to look at alternative therapies that don’t rely on the therapeutic relationship. Additionally, this would help us understand more about the social support of people living with this condition.
The study has ethics approval to be shared via relevant health clinics and we have resources for participants who may become distressed by the content (but we believe this is unlikely based on the questions we are asking participants). We also have a psychologist on our research team and his details are provided to participants should they require additional support or guidance in utilizing the provided resources.
Contact Information
Contact Name: Adanya Johnson
Email: [email protected]
Study Location: 203 E. Cary St., Richmond, VA 23219
Research Setting
University/College Counseling Program
Study Period
Start Date: 9/1/2023
End Date: 9/1/2028
IRB Expiration Date: 12/31/2024
Diagnosis Researched
Anorexia Nervosa; OCD
Participant Requirements
Gender: All genders
Age: 18+
Travel: Participants are required to travel to the CARI Center at Virginia Commonwealth University (located at 203 E. Cary St., Richmond, VA 23219) for an MRI scanning visit. Travel reimbursement may be available. To learn more, contact the study team at [email protected].
Additional Information: Please complete the screening survey linked in the Website section.
Participants can receive up to $500 for completing this study (plus potential bonuses for task and survey performance).
Study Information
Study Involves: The REPEAT Lab at Virginia Commonwealth University is currently recruiting adult participants who have symptoms of anorexia nervosa (e.g., restrictive eating, weight loss, fear of weight gain) and healthy adult participants with no history of a psychiatric disorder for a research study. The goal of the study is to understand how decision-making and its underlying brain function differs between individuals with symptoms of anorexia nervosa, those with symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder, and people with no history of either disorder. Participants in this study complete 3 study visits over the course of the year. The visits will involve questionnaires and interviews about participants’ mental health and health behaviors (e.g., eating habits), a brief medical screening with height, blind weight, vitals, and blood draw, and computer tasks completed during an fMRI brain scan. Additionally, on 2 occasions between visits, participants will complete online surveys on their smartphone for 2 weeks. Participants can receive up to $500 for completing this study (plus potential bonuses for task and survey performance). Some aspects of the study can be conducted remotely and reimbursement may be available for some travel costs.
For more information, please contact the REPEAT Lab at 804-828-2658 or [email protected], or click here.
Description of Services:
The goal of the study is to understand decision-making and its underlying brain function differs between individuals with symptoms of anorexia nervosa, those with symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder, and people with no history of either disorder.
ARFID (Avoidant Restrictive Intake Disorder)
Contact Information
Contact Name: Zoë McPherson
Email: [email protected]
Research Setting
Study Period
Start Date 6/6/2024
End Date: 12/1/2025
IRB Expiration Date: 6/25/2025
Diagnosis Researched
Participant Requirements
Gender: All genders
Age: Adults
Travel: None
Additional Information: Participation in a virtual interview, the use of web-cameras is optional
Study Information
Study Involves: This study involves taking an online survey to gauge if you are a good fit for the study which is then followed by virtual interviews that will be recorded. Participants will be given the option to show their face during their interview and to choose if the researcher shows theirs. The interviews will last roughly one hour, and participants will be asked questions concerning their socioeconomic background, personal identity, disorder presentations and motivations, and anything else they or the researcher deem relevant.
Description of Services:
This study will utilize one-on-one semi-structured interviews for data collection. Twenty participants who have been diagnosed with avoidant restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID) or present with diagnostically significant symptoms will be interviewed. Ten of these participants will be of a low socioeconomic status (SES), and ten will be of a high SES. Interviews will take roughly one hour. Participants will be given the option to show their face and to choose if the researcher shows theirs. Questions will explore ARFID presentations and motivations and aim to illuminate how the individual’s SES may impact their lives. Interviews will be transcribed, and transcriptions will be analyzed following the guide for thematic analysis laid out by Braun & Clarke (2006, 2018, 2021, 2022).
Binge Eating Disorder (BED)
Contact Information
Contact Name: Alexa Krugel
Email: [email protected]
Study Location: 55 W 125th Street Floor 13, New York, NY 10027 and 1470 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10029.
Research Setting
Hospital without Separate Setting
Study Period
Start Date: 12/1/2022
End Date: 11/30/2025
IRB Expiration Date: 8/28/2025
Diagnosis Researched
Binge Eating Disorder; Matched healthy control individuals who do not have eating disorder symptoms
Participant Requirements
Gender: All genders
Age: 18-45
Travel: 2 required in-person visits to 55 W 125th Street Floor 13, New York, NY 10027 and 1470 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10029.
Additional Information:
In order to participate in the study, you must be:
An Individual in a higher weight body; Right-handed; Fluent in English
$230 plus travel reimbursement.
Study Information
Study Involves: Brief phone screening to determine initial eligibility (~20 minutes); clinical interviews via a HIPAA-compliant videoconference (Zoom) or in person (~2.5 hours); in-person screening and assessments (~1.5 hours); online self-report questionnaires and tasks (~1 hour); fMRI brain scan (~2 hours); 2 weeks of daily symptom assessments and tasks (~1 hour and 20 minutes total).
Description of Services:
This research study focuses on an eating disorder called binge-eating disorder (BED). People with this disorder binge eat or experience recurrent episodes of eating an unusually large amount of food and feeling a sense of loss-of-control over their eating. Unfortunately, very little is known about what contributes to the development and maintenance of binge-eating behavior.
Dr. Laura Berner and her colleagues at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai are
conducting a study that examines brain activation and eating behaviors in adults with BED and adults who never had an eating disorder using a technology called functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). This study will specifically investigate whether differences in brain activation and behaviors are linked to eating-disorder symptoms. This is not a treatment study, which means that participants will not receive any drugs or forms of therapy during study participation.
Co-Occurring Conditions
Contact Information
Contact Name: Kyle Ross
Email: [email protected]
Research Setting
Online Survey
Study Period
Start Date: 1/15/2024
End Date: 3/31/2025
IRB Expiration Date: 12/25/2025
Diagnosis Researched
Anorexia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder, Bulimia Nervosa, OSFED; Participants must also have engaged in nonsuicidal self-injury
Participant Requirements
Gender: All genders
Age: 18+
Travel: None.
Participants will be compensated $50 in the form of an gift card after completing the virtual interview.
Study Information
Study Involves: This research study involves completing a screening survey and then a virtual interview with the primary investigator. Participation will take about 3-5 minutes to complete a screening survey and if a person qualifies, they will be invited to complete a 60-minute interview over Zoom video conference. The interview will be audio and video recorded to create a transcript. We will remove all names and identifiable information from survey responses and transcript of the interview.
Description of Services:
This study will explore the similarities and differences between self-injury and disordered eating behaviors that have interfered with people’s lives. We hope to understand these experiences by talking to people who have done both types of behaviors. Participants will be asked to answer survey questions about their specific eating and self-injury behaviors and then complete an interview to talk about their experiences with self-injury and disordered eating behaviors (e.g., restriction, bingeing, purging). Participation does not require an eating disorder diagnosis, but participants must be currently receiving psychotherapy services.
Contact Information
Contact Name: A/Prof Litza Kiropoulos
Email: [email protected]
Research Setting
Online Survey
Study Period
Start Date: 1/1/2024
End Date: 12/31/2024
IRB Expiration Date: 6/13/2026
Diagnosis Researched
Anorexia Nervosa, ARFID, Binge Eating Disorder, Bulimia Nervosa, OSFED; Individuals with a diagnosis of cancer of multiple sclerosis
Participant Requirements
Gender: All genders
Age: 18+
Travel: None.
Participants will have a chance to win 1 of 11 AUD$100 e-gift cards for completing both Time 1 and 2 surveys and another 1 of 11 AUD$100 e-gift cards after completing Time 3.
Study Information
Study Involves: Completing a short online questionnaire at three time points.
Description of Services:
Researchers at The University of Melbourne are interested in psychological factors that contribute to the development and maintenance of anxiety in those with a lived experience of an Eating Disorder.
Participation involves filling out a short online questionnaire at three time points, on your phone or your computer. Participants will have a chance to win 1 of 11 AUD$100 e-gift cards for completing both Time 1 and 2 surveys and another 1 of 11 AUD$100 e-gift cards after completing Time 3. Participation is voluntary and all data will remain confidential.
Contact Information
Contact Name: Eric Storch
Email: [email protected]
Research Setting
Online Survey, College/University
Study Period
Start Date: 1/1/2022
End Date: 12/31/2026
IRB Expiration Date: 4/26/2026
Diagnosis Researched
Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder, With co-occurring Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms (current or in the past).
Participant Requirements
Gender: All genders
Age: 7-89 years old
Travel: None. Interviews are done via Zoom.
Additional Information: To participate in LATINO you must:
Have experienced symptoms of OCD now or in the past (even if you did not seek treatment)
Have at least one grandparent who was born in Mexico, Central America, South America, or the Caribbean.
Be between the ages of 7 and 89 years.
Given the high co-occurrence between symptoms of eating disorders and OCD, we are hoping to recruit individuals who experience both eating disorders and OCD symptoms (either current and/or past) in order to improve the representativeness of our sample, and to understand how certain clinical factors may relate to genetic make-up.
Interested individuals can complete the following link and then will be contacted:
$25 for the one-time assessment
Study Information
Study Involves: The Latin American Trans-ancestry INitiative for OCD genomics (LATINO) is an NIH-funded research study with the goal of identifying factors contributing to the development of OCD in individuals who identify as Latino/Hispanic. It is being conducted by a group of researchers throughout the United States and Latin American countries. The lead sites are at Baylor College of Medicine and the University of North Carolina.
We are recruiting individuals who have had, or think they might have, OCD and are of Latin American/Hispanic ancestry defined as having at least one grandparent who was born in Mexico, Central America, South America, or the Caribbean.
Interested participants will answer questions about their experience with OCD and other problems over a 2 hour ZOOM meeting, and provide a spit sample for DNA (this will be mailed to you).
There are 4 simple steps to sign up for LATINO:
Provide consent for yourself or your minor child
Complete the ~5 minute eligibility survey.
Someone will reach out to schedule you for an interview (by Zoom, phone or in person)
Send a DNA sample through the mail using our spit kit
We would like to emphasize that you can stop taking part in LATINO at any time.
Description of Services: Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a psychological condition impacting approximately 1-2% of the world population. Characterized by distressing intrusive thoughts and unwanted repetitive behaviors, OCD can have wide-reaching implications for both individuals with OCD and their families. While the impacts of this condition are well studied, what causes OCD remains less clear. Current evidence suggests that genetics play a role in the development and maintenance of OCD, however the exact genes and biological mechanisms contributing remain elusive. A better understanding of the role of genetics in this condition would greatly improve the ability to detect and diagnose the disorder while allowing treatments to be tailored to an individual’s unique genetic code. Termed precision medicine, this tailored approach has been explored for various psychological disorders, but genetic research on OCD has lagged behind until recently. Now, there is a worldwide study of OCD genetics with more than 46,000 people with OCD participating. However, this remarkable initiative is limited by almost exclusively representing those of European ancestry (>95% of current participants). This Eurocentric bias in would likely result in OCD genetic findings being more accurate for individuals of European ancestry than other ancestries, thereby contributing to health disparities in potential future applications of genomics in precision medicine.
Recently, an interdisciplinary team led by Drs. James Crowley (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) and Eric Storch (Baylor College of Medicine) was funded by the National Institute of Mental Health to carry out an ambitious project to address this lack of diversity. We aim to achieve this by recruiting and obtaining saliva samples for DNA from 5,000 Latino/Hispanic/Brazilian individuals (defined as having at least one Latino/Hispanic/Brazilian grandparent). Including a more diverse sample will further advance our ability to detect, diagnose, and treat individuals of Latino ancestry. Furthermore, mapping the OCD-specific genes for Latinos and comparing the results to those of European ancestry contributes to a more comprehensive and generalizable understanding of the common human genetic code, which will help us understand and treat those of any ancestry.
Contact Information
Contact Name: Melissa Shang
Email: [email protected]
Research Setting
Online Survey
Study Period
Start Date: 6/17/2024
End Date: 11/30/2024
IRB Approved
Diagnosis Researched
Anorexia Nervosa, ARFID, Binge Eating Disorder, Bulimia Nervosa, OSFED
Participant Requirements
Gender: All genders
Age: 18+
Travel: None
Additional Information: To participate in this study, you must identify as a person with a disability or chronic physical or mental health condition.
$10 Amazon gift card
Study Information
Study Involves: This study will involve completing a 30-45 minute Qualtrics survey. Interested individuals can complete the survey at:
Description of Services:
This study aims to assess the impact of minority stress, including experiences of stigma and discrimination, on mental health and suicidal ideation in people with disabilities and chronic physical or mental health conditions.
Contact Information
Contact Name: Erica Faulhaber, MA, NCC, LPC, CEDS
Email: e[email protected]
Research Setting
Study Period
Start Date 9/3/2024
End Date: 12/31/2024
IRB Approved
Diagnosis Researched
Anorexia Nervosa, ARFID, Binge Eating Disorder, Bulimia Nervosa, OSFED; Identify as an adult survivor of childhood sexual abuse (ASCSA) & Have engaged in therapeutic interventions including Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing [EMDR] or Radically-Open Dialectical Behavior Therapy [RO-DBT] or Acceptance and Commitment Therapy [ACT]).
Participant Requirements
Gender: Women
Age: 18+
Travel: None
Additional Information:
•Female patient currently engaged in psychotherapy.
•18 years or older.
•Can affirm being an adult survivor of childhood sexual abuse (CSA).
•Have a clinically diagnosed eating disorder (ED).
•Reside within the United States of America.
•Have engaged in therapeutic interventions including Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing [EMDR] or Radically-Open Dialectical Behavior Therapy [RO-DBT] or Acceptance and Commitment Therapy [ACT]).
For qualifying participants, there will be incentive available in the form of a $25 Amazon gift card following the completion of the interview.
Study Information
Study Involves: If you choose to participate, your expected time commitment for this study is at the maximum 4 hours. The completion of the pre-screening demographics questionnaire will take approximately 10 minutes. The pre-interview questionnaire which includes demographic questions and responding to yes/no questions. In addition to completing the demographic questions, you will be asked to provide a pseudonym (alias name). The purpose of the pre-interview is to better identify diagnoses experienced and life events participants have faced. Participants will be asked to participate in a semi-structured interview. Participants must agree to have the interview recorded in a password protected Zoom account. After the interview has been transcribed, the recording will be deleted. Allow approximately 60 to 90 minutes for your interview conducted over zoom. Patient participants will also receive the invitation to voluntarily review transcripts for accuracy which could take approximately 30 to 60 minutes. After the study, participants will have the option to attend a findings presentation of the narrative study prior to dissemination, lasting approximately 60 to 90 minutes.
If any published study results from this research, personal individual identities will not be made public.
Description of Services:
The purpose of this study is to hear lived experiences of women who have experienced childhood sexual abuse (CSA) and developed an eating disorder (ED) along with their experiences in various treatment approaches. I hope this study contributes to the field by understanding more about the lived experiences of women who have participated in various treatments while expanding the current literature about the relationship with trauma, specifically CSA, and eating disorders. The research questions states:
1. What are the therapy experiences of women with ED and CSA symptoms who received EMDR, RO-DBT and ACT?
Multiple Diagnoses
Contact Information
Contact Name: Sara A McCord
Email: [email protected]
Research Setting
Online Survey
Study Period
Start Date: 12/19/2023
End Date: 12/19/2024
This study has received approval from the HREC (Human Research Ethics Committee). Expiration Date: 12/19/2024
Diagnosis Researched
Anorexia Nervosa, ARFID, Binge Eating Disorder, Bulimia Nervosa, OSFED; Caregivers of children or adolescents aged 6-18 receiving eating disorder treatment
Participant Requirements
Gender: All genders
Age: 18+
Travel: None
Additional Information: Must be an adult caregiver participating either currently or recently in a young person’s eating disorder treatment.
Study Information
Study Involves: Participants will complete an online survey once, which will take 10-20 minutes.
Description of Services: This study tests a new assessment measure to identify caregiver strengths and challenges, so that appropriate support may be offered to assist parents and care givers participating in eating disorder treatment for a child or adolescent.
Contact Information
Contact Name: Paige Davis
Email: [email protected]
Research Setting
Online Survey
Study Period
Start Date: 3/5/2024
End Date: 9/1/2026
This study has received approval from the Swinburne University Human Research Ethics Committee (approval no: 20237264-16530). Expiration date: 9/1/2026.
Diagnosis Researched
Anorexia Nervosa, ARFID, Binge Eating Disorder, Bulimia Nervosa, OSFED; Caregivers of young people (aged 25 or younger) with a current or past eating disorder diagnosis
Participant Requirements
Gender: All genders
Age: 18+
Travel: None.
Additional Information: You are eligible to take part in this research project if you:
– Are aged 18+ years old
– Are able to read English
– Identify as the caregiver of a young person (25yrs or younger) with a current or past eating disorder diagnosis
Study Information
Study Involves: The study involves an online survey that should take no longer than 45 minutes to complete. This can be completed at a place, date, and time suitable to you. You will be asked to respond to basic questions regarding your demographics (e.g., age, gender, relationship to the affected individual), and to provide basic clinical information regarding your young person (e.g., age, gender, clinical diagnosis).
The online survey will also involve a series of measures and questions exploring your experience as a caregiver, the impact of caregiving, and your needs as a caregiver. Upon conclusion of the survey, there will be the opportunity for you to enter your email address to be contacted regarding a follow-up interview and/or trialing the intervention should you be interested.
To participate, please visit:
Description of Services:
Researchers at Swinburne University, in partnership with Eating Disorders Families Australia, are seeking volunteers to participate in a research project exploring the experience and impact of caring for a young person with an eating disorder, in addition to caregivers’ needs and experiences.
It is hoped that findings from this study will be used to inform the development of an intervention for caregivers.
Contact Information
Contact Name: Taylor Penwell
Email: [email protected]
Research Setting
Online Survey
Study Period
Start Date: 6/17/2024
End Date: 12/13/2024
IRB Approved
Diagnosis Researched
Anorexia Nervosa, ARFID, Binge Eating Disorder, Bulimia Nervosa, OSFED; Any Eating Disorder
Participant Requirements
Gender: All genders
Age: 18 years or older
Travel: None
Additional Information:
1) Ages 18 years or older living in the United States
2) Current or past eating disorder (suspected or formal diagnosis)
3) Current or past use of a coach for eating disorder recovery (e.g., eating disorder recovery coach, life coach, mental health coach, health and wellness coach, etc.)
$5 Amazon Gift Card
Study Information
Study Involves: Interested individuals will use the link provided to complete informed consent at the beginning of the Qualtrics survey. After informed consent, participants will be asked to self-report measures through Qualtrics. The estimated completion time is 15-25 minutes. At the end of the survey, participants will be provided with a list of mental health and eating disorder resources (e.g., National Suicide Hotline, ED non-profit information).
Description of Services:
This study seeks to examine experiences, motivation, and impact of individual coaching services for eating disorder recovery.
Contact Information
Contact Name: Rose Miller
Email: [email protected]
Research Setting
Online Survey
Study Period
Start Date: 6/1/2024
End Date: 3/1/2025
IRB Expiration Date: 4/1/2025
Diagnosis Researched
Anorexia Nervosa, ARFID, Binge Eating Disorder, Bulimia Nervosa, OSFED
Participant Requirements
Gender: All genders
Age: 18-65 years old
Travel: None
$10 via Zelle, Venmo, or Cashapp.
Study Information
Study Involves: One 30-60 minute online survey.
Description of Services:
Using a novel measure that taps three key aspects of binge planning: cognitive components, behavioral steps taken during planning, and metacognitions about binge planning, this study seeks to assess precursors to binge eating patterns in a sample of adults with diagnosable eating disorders.
Contact Information
Contact Name: Tashayla Williams
Email: [email protected]
Research Setting
Study Period
Start Date: 11/20/2024
End Date: 2/15/2025
IRB Expiration Date: 5/2/2025
Diagnosis Researched
Anorexia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder, Bulimia Nervosa, OSFED
Participant Requirements
Gender: Women
Age: 18+
Travel: None.
Additional Information:
In order to participate in the study, you must:
Identify as a Black woman
Be at least 18 years old
Been officially diagnosed with an eating disorder by a mental health professional (e.g., psychiatrist, psychologist, mental health nurse practitioner, or mental health counselor) or medical professional
Have received treatment for your eating disorder (e.g., outpatient therapy or admission to a treatment center)
Not currently receiving treatment from a higher level of care (e.g., inpatient treatment, residential treatment, partial hospitalization program, or intensive outpatient program)
Were discharged from a higher level of care at least 12 months ago if you were previously admitted
$25 Amazon gift card.
Study Information
Study Involves: 45-60 minute virtual interview.
Description of Services: The purpose of this study is to discover the lived experience of Black women living with an eating disorder who have experienced one or more levels of care in eating disorder treatment. The focus of this study will be to expand insight regarding the lived experiences of this population to conduct an in-depth exploration of these lived experiences. This study will be conducted remotely through a HIPAA-compliant telehealth platform, Microsoft Teams, to allow access to any Black woman living with an eating disorder who meets selection criteria.
Contact Information
Contact Name: Shaunak Deshpande
Email: [email protected]
Research Setting
Clinical Psychology Program, Online Survey
Study Period
Start Date: 2/5/2024
End Date: 12/31/2024
This study has received approval from the University of Hertfordshire. Expiration date: 12/31/2024.
Diagnosis Researched
Anorexia Nervosa, ARFID, Binge Eating Disorder, Bulimia Nervosa; OCD, Body Dysmorphic Disorder, Hoarding Disorder, Hair-Pulling Disorder, Skin-Picking Disorder, and Tourette’s Syndrome
Participant Requirements
Gender: All genders
Age: 18+
Travel: None.
There is no financial compensation, but participants will be given access to a list of resources recommended by CDC, NHS and WHO.
Study Information
Study Involves: Complete an online survey.
Description of Services:
The research aims to investigate the relationship between flexibility in thinking, treatment adherence, and psychological well-being in individuals with compulsive and eating disorders, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder, health anxiety, eating disorders, skin-picking disorder, or hoarding disorder. The study will involve inviting participants with a range of mental health disorders to complete a short (up to 30-minute) online cross-sectional survey. The questionnaires cover basic demographic information and topics related to the research question, including treatment adherence, psychological well-being, cognitive flexibility, and personality traits. All data I plan to collect will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. All collected data will be anonymized. The project will be run in accordance with the research codes and conduct outlined by the British Psychological Society and Hertfordshire University research policies and procedures.
Contact Information
Contact Name: Abby Kinnear
Email: [email protected]
Research Setting
Online Survey
Study Period
Start Date 9/1/2021
End Date: 9/1/2025
Western University REB (#119684) Approval Expiration Date: 10/25/2024
Diagnosis Researched
Anorexia Nervosa; Binge Eating Disorder, Bulimia Nervosa, OSFED
Participant Requirements
Gender: All genders
Age: 16 years and older
Travel: None
Participants will have the opportunity to enter their preferred contact information to have approximately a one-in-four chance of winning a “cash prize” of $20. Prizes will be in Canadian currency/exchange rate.
Study Information
Study Involves: This is a 15-25 minute long online survey. Participants will complete demographics questionnaires (e.g., age, gender, treatment history), and then they will complete a new measure which will ask them about the functions of their restriction and/or binge eating.
Description of Services:
The purpose of this study is to develop and validate a self-report measure on the reasons for engaging in eating disorder behaviors (such as binge eating and restricting). Approximately 1,500 participants will be enrolled in this study.
Study Design and Procedure
If you agree to participate, you will indicate consent by clicking a box in the survey. You will then begin the survey that will first ask about demographic information (e.g., age, gender identity). Next, you will be directed to questions about your eating behaviors and asked to complete our measure on the reasons why you engage in the behaviors.
Risks and Discomforts
You may experience distress while answering questions regarding your eating disorder behaviors or other mental health problems. You may choose not to answer any questions and stop the study at any time.
You may not benefit directly from this study. However, the study may provide a benefit for society as the information may provide insight into how we can help treat individuals with eating disorders using this new tool.
Voluntary Participation
Your participation in this study is voluntary. You may decide not to be in this study, or to be in the study now and then change your mind later. You may refuse to answer any question you do not want to answer.
Contact Information
Contact Name: Ellie Vincent
Email: [email protected]
Research Setting
Study Period
Start Date: 7/25/2024
End Date: 4/25/2025
University Ethics Approved
Diagnosis Researched
Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, OSFED
Participant Requirements
Gender: Women
Age: 60+
Travel: None
A shopping voucher.
Study Information
Study Involves: A video call.
Description of Services:
Due to the big gap in research, we are exploring the experiences of older adults with eating disorders. We are interested in hearing the stories of older women to see how these experiences are similar/different to younger populations.
Contact Information
Contact Name: Merve Yazar
Email: [email protected]
Research Setting
Community Mental Health, Online Survey
Study Period
Start Date: 5/10/2024
End Date: 9/1/2025
Approval from Faculty of Health Sciences Research Ethics Committee at the University of Hull which accords with the Declaration of Helsinki.
Diagnosis Researched
Anorexia Nervosa, ARFID, Binge Eating Disorder, Bulimia Nervosa, OSFED; Any Eating Disorder
Participant Requirements
Gender: All genders
Age: 18+
Travel: None
50 £ Amazon voucher
Study Information
Study Involves: Online survey
Description of Services:
The study aims to understand how childhood maltreatment might impact adult thinking and feeling patterns related to eating disorders. You can find the details on the survey link.
Contact Information
Contact Name: Kelly A. Romano
Email: [email protected]
Please complete the following brief screening survey to see if you are eligible to participate:
Research Setting
Online Survey
Study Period
Start Date: 6/13/2024
End Date: 6/13/2026
IRB Approved
Diagnosis Researched
Binge Eating Disorder, Bulimia Nervosa, OSFED
Participant Requirements
Gender: All genders
Age: 18-64 years old
Travel: None
Additional Information: Own an Apple- or Android-brand smartphone.
Participants will receive between $90-$110 to thank them for their time participating in this study.
Study Information
Study Involves: In this study, participants will be asked to do the following for 14 consecutive days:
(1) Complete 6 brief (3-5 minutes) surveys on their smartphones each day for 14-days.
(2) Wear a chest-worn Holter Monitor throughout each of the 14-days of this study (i.e., during participants’ wakening hours, but not while participants sleep at night). Participants will receive this monitor from our research staff by mail.
Description of Services:
The purpose of this research study is to collect data on health behaviors and heartrate during a 14-day monitoring period. This is a fully remote (virtual) study.
Contact Information
Contact Name: Amaani Hatoum
Email: [email protected]
Research Setting
Online Survey
Study Period
Start Date: 4/7/2024
End Date: 1/7/2025
Human Research Ethics Approval from The University of Sydney (HREC No: 2022/856)
Diagnosis Researched
Anorexia Nervosa, ARFID, Binge Eating Disorder, Bulimia Nervosa, OSFED; Any current Eating Disorder Diagnosis (DSM-V)
Participant Requirements
Gender: All genders
Age: 18+
Travel: None
Additional Information: Must be fluent in English
Participants will have the opportunity to enter a prize draw to win one of four VISA gift cards.
Study Information
Study Involves: 10-15 minute survey completion.
Description of Services:
We are currently recruiting for a study that aims to validate a theoretical model outlining the way people’s core beliefs about themselves influence the development and maintenance of disordered eating behaviours. We are seeking to validate this model in a sample of international individuals who have a current eating disorder diagnosis. This study is anonymous and involves filling out a series of questionnaires online and will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete.
Contact Information
Contact Name: Olivia Feng
Email: [email protected]
Research Setting
Online Interview
Study Period
Start Date: 1/14/2024
End Date: 1/14/2025
IRB Expiration Date: 1/14/2025
Diagnosis Researched
Anorexia Nervosa, ARFID, Binge Eating Disorder, Bulimia Nervosa, Disordered Eating, OSFED
Participant Requirements
Gender: All genders
Age: 18+
Travel: None
Additional Information: Participants may be eligible to participate if they:
1. Returned to sport following an eating disorder or disordered eating
2. Are an athlete currently registered for competition (or retired from sport within the past 3 years following a return to sport following an eating disorder or disordered eating)
3. Feel they can discuss in depth how specific people within their network impacted their return to sport and recovery experiences
$40 CAD Amazon gift card
Study Information
Study Involves: Participation will involve a two-part one-on-one interview, which can be done virtually. In part one, you will complete a drawing-based activity to construct a visual representation of the people within your network during the return to sport process. In part two, you will complete an interview, guided by your drawing, about the role and impact of each person within your network on your experiences. It is estimated that participation will take two hours in total.
Description of Services:
This study is exploring the return to sport experiences of athletes in recovery or who have recovered from an eating disorder or disordered eating. Specifically, this study is seeking to examine the people within athletes’ network during the return to sport process, and how specific people and their actions impact athletes’ sporting and recovery experiences.
Contact Information
Contact Name: Mika Brown
Email: [email protected]
Research Setting
Community Mental Health, University/College Counseling Program
Study Period
Start Date 3/13/2024
End Date: 12/13/2024
IRB Expiration Date: 3/21/2025
Diagnosis Researched
Anorexia Nervosa; ARFID; Binge Eating Disorder, Bulimia Nervosa, OSFED
Participant Requirements
Gender: All genders
Age: 18+
Travel: None
Additional information: Must have (or previously had) a diagnosed eating disorder
Currently utilizing mental health services for their eating disorder (or in recovery following use of services)
Self identify as a member of the BIPOC community
English speaking and currently reside in the United States
Participants will enter a raffle for a $25 Amazon gift card.
Study Information
Study Involves: This study takes the form of a semi-structured interview which will take about 60 minutes to complete; there are ~14 questions discussing general eating disorder experience as well as treatment. Prior to the interview patients are sent a demographic questionnaire and a consent form before any questions are asked / any data is collected.
Description of Services:
The purpose of this qualitative study is to name and explore the experiences of diverse populations within the United States navigating an ED in order to help challenge the assumption of how a ‘typical’ eating disorder patient may present. The data collected has the potential to inform future research and fill the widely pervasive gaps currently informing the stigma attached to a lack of representation of diverse populations. It is my hope that these self-reported navigations and struggles will add power and validity to the claims that have been largely ignored within this realm.
Contact Information
Contact Name: Kristen Gee
Email: [email protected]
Study Location: 401 Quarry Rd., Stanford, CA 94304
Research Setting
Community Mental Health
Study Period
Start Date: 11/23/2021
End Date: 12/31/2024
IRB Approved
Diagnosis Researched
Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa
Participant Requirements
Gender: Women
Age: Parents & their 12-16 year old daughters
Travel: All study visits will be in person at Stanford University.
Additional Information: A parent who has a history of/current anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa and their 12-16 year-old female daughter who has not experienced any sort of disordered eating.
Study Information
Study Involves: Study tasks include interviews, surveys, computer tasks, and an fMRI brain scan.
Description of Services:
The Teen Health Study is being led by Dr. Eric Stice and his team in the Psychiatry Department at Stanford University. Researchers are investigating the biological risk factors for eating disorders. This research study will help to inform future eating disorder prevention programs. Parents will be involved in an interview about eating habits and driving their daughters to and from Stanford. Daughters will be involved in 7 in-person visits over the course of 5 years. An fMRI brain scan will be conducted once and then follow-up visits including an interview, surveys, and computer tasks will occur.
Contact Information
Contact Name: Kelly Sobczak
Email: [email protected]
Research Setting
Study Period
Start Date: 10/27/2024
End Date: 2/22/2025
IRB Approved
Diagnosis Researched
Self Identified Eating Disorder
Participant Requirements
Gender: All genders
Age: 18+
Travel: None
Additional Information:
Are aged 18 or older.
Live in the United States.
Self-identify as having/had an eating disorder (indicators of an eating disorder include but are not limited to bingeing, purging, nutritional restriction, excessive exercise, medication misuse, and compulsive eating).
Self-identify as being/been a large-bodied person.
Attended residential treatment in the U.S. for an eating disorder while identifying as a large-bodied person (treatment center must have been located in the United States).
Any stage of illness or recovery is welcome EXCEPT those currently attending inpatient, residential, or partial hospitalization treatment for an eating disorder. You may consider yourself to be currently recovered, in recovery, or symptomatic with an eating disorder.
Those currently attending outpatient treatment are welcome.
Study Information
Study Involves: Data collection involves a secure video-conference interview via Microsoft Teams, which will take approximately one hour. Interviews will be conducted in a private, sound-proofed room over a VPN internet connection, and recordings will be stored on an encrypted drive.
Description of Services:
Weight stigma continues to be a socially acceptable form of discrimination (Alberga et al., 2016; Pomeranz, 2008; Vartanian et al., 2014), and its related infringement on human rights is especially evident in healthcare disparities (Hatzenbuehler et al., 2013). Large-bodied people (LBP) have differing, often negative, experiences in accessing and receiving treatment for EDs than their average- or small-bodied peers (Brownstone et al., 2021; Harrop, 2019) due to a lower likelihood for appropriate screening, ED diagnosis, and recognition of the need to be referred for appropriate treatment (Gotovac et al., 2020). Often LBP encounter assumptions that demean the complexities of their relationship with food and their body, which essentially leads to LBP being disregarded or misdiagnosed, delaying ED treatment, and avoiding disclosure of the ED symptoms or seeking natural support, which ultimately prolongs the mental and physical harm produced by the ED symptoms and behaviors (Gotovac et al., 2020). Because weight stigma and discriminatory healthcare situations often arise from HCPs’ implicit biases about client behaviors and related outcomes (Hand et al., 2013), it is crucial to the ethical practice of unbiased healthcare that HCPs are cognizant of their implicit biases toward any certain group of people or trait a patient may have, including around weight and related issues (Chrisler & Barney, 2017; FitzGerald & Hurst, 2017).
It is ethically and clinically essential for research to focus on LBP’s lived experiences of ED treatment as an under-studied phenomenon (O’Connor et al., 2021). Considering healthcare aims to generate the most effective results (Chenail, 2011), this research intends to identify specific benefits and barriers LBP face in seeking and receiving treatment for EDs and encourage clinicians and treatment centers to adopt beneficial practices.
The purpose of this interpretive phenomenological study will be to understand the experiences of LBP who seek and receive treatment for self-identified EDs in a residential ED treatment facility. These interpretations of the participants’ firsthand experiences will be further utilized to emphasize the importance of recognizing each clients’ lived experience and inform counselors and their colleagues both in ED treatment settings and in general, as well as their counselor educators and clinical supervisors, of the therapeutic processes that result in successful therapeutic outcomes, the importance of using effective interventions with specific populations, and ways of leveraging a client’s in-session experience for more effective therapeutic work (Elliott, 2008).
Contact Information
Contact Name: Sophie Kirkham
Email: [email protected]
Research Setting
Study Period
Start Date: 2/23/2024
End Date: 3/21/2025
IRB Expiration Date: 9/26/2025
Diagnosis Researched
Anorexia Nervosa, ARFID, Binge Eating Disorder, Bulimia Nervosa, OSFED; Any eating disorder or eating difficulty
Participant Requirements
Gender: Men
Age: 18+
Travel: None
Study Information
Study Involves: If interested, the study will involve a virtual interview (MS Teams) for approximately 45mins – 1hr. The study involves discussing barriers that have been encountered when seeking support for an eating disorder or eating difficulty.
Description of Services:
The research will be conducted using narrative analysis, allowing participants to share their stories (as much or as little as comfortable) relating to their experiences of seeking support for an eating disorder or difficulty.
List Your Research Study
If you are conducting research and are interested in recruiting participants in the eating disorder community, submit your study to be included in our listing.