Social Media

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It’s no secret that advertisers are not always the most reliable when it comes to portraying realistic bodies. However, sometimes a company does get it right and launches a campaign...
I often want to delete all of my social media profiles. In fact, I deleted my Snapchat months ago and it has been great. But I keep my Facebook, Instagram,...
We spend more time than ever using media and everywhere we turn there are messages telling us how we should look that can make us feel less confident about our...
It’s National Media Literacy Week, and you might be thinking, “I’m a savvy Millennial who knows everything there is to know about the Internet.” At least that’s what I thought...
Note: this piece uses identity-first language (autistic, disabled, etc.) based on the preferences of many of our community members.  When I started watching Atypical, I was hopeful. Finally, there was...
On October 9, NEDA surveyed over 333 people about how accurately they felt the media portrayed people’s bodies. Of these people, 68% of respondents chose “Very inaccurately,” 24% chose “Fairly...
In today’s culture, social media has begun to dominate even more of our lives, and its influence can quickly turn negative, according to a new study that focuses specifically on...
Every time a new piece of media hits the public regarding eating disorder representation, many of us are left to consider how the film and television industry can better portray...
How often do advertisements and social media posts generate discussion not about the cause of the post or advertisement, but because of the way the message was delivered? Over the...
There’s been no lack of speculation about the effects of social media on body image and eating disorder recovery. On one hand, social media has fostered a diverse and vibrant...