Coast to Coast, Communities Put a Spotlight on the Seriousness of Eating Disorders

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Coast to Coast, Communities Put a Spotlight on the Seriousness of Eating Disorders

Coast to Coast, Communities Put a Spotlight on the Seriousness of Eating Disorders

Over 100 Iconic Landmarks in Nearly Every State to Light Up During National Eating Disorders Awareness Week, Feb. 25 – Mar. 3

NEW YORK CITY — February 20, 2019 — From the famed Empire State Building to Los Angeles International Airport’s 100-foot glass pylons, over 100 iconic landmarks in cities across the country will light up in the signature blue and green colors of the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) to put a spotlight on the seriousness of eating disorders.

The coast-to-coast effort unites dozens of U.S. cities in observation of National Eating Disorders Awareness Week (NEDAwareness Week), Feb. 25 – Mar. 3.  The 2019 theme, Come as You Are, highlights NEDA’s movement towards inclusivity in the greater eating disorder community and our goal of unifying the field of eating disorders. 

Thousands of people will come together across the country, hosting events to raise awareness about body acceptance and bring national attention to the severity of eating disorders, which are bio-psycho-social illnesses with often devastating – sometimes life-threatening – consequences. 

Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any mental disorder and 30 million Americans will suffer from an eating disorder at some point in their life. But many people (including doctors) just don’t recognize the signs. However, there is hope and recovery is possible. 

Participating cities (lighting after dusk) include: 

  • ALABAMAMontgomery (RSA Tower Building, RSA Systems Building, RSA Dexter Ave Building, Renaissance Montgomery Hotel & Spa and Convention Center: Mar. 1), Birmingham (The Crescent Building: Feb. 25 – Mar. 3) 
  • ALASKAAnchorage (Alaskan Tower in Lights: Mar. 1)
  • ARKANSASLittle Rock(Big Dam Bridge, Two Rivers Bridge, Junction Bridge: Mar. 1-3) 
  • CALIFORNIALos Angeles (LAX Pylons: Feb. 28, US Bank Tower: Date TBD), Sacramento (US Bank Tower: Feb. 25 – Mar. 3), San Francisco (140 New Montgomery: Feb. 25 – Mar. 3), San Marcos (California State University San Marcos: Feb. 25-Mar. 3) 
  • COLORADODenver (ACUTE Center for Eating Disorders at Denver Health, Main Tower)
  • CONNECTICUT: Windsor Locks (Connecticut Airport Electronic Displays: Feb. 25-Mar. 3)
  • DELAWAREDover (State Capitol Building: Mar. 1-3, Delaware Governor’s Mansion: Date TBD)
  • D.C.: (1625 Eye St.: Feb. 25-Mar. 3)
  • FLORIDAOrlando (ICON Orlando: Feb. 26, and Amway Center, Astrogenesis II, Cedar of Lebanon, Global Convergence, Lake Eola Park Fountain, Orlando Sign, Take Flight, Tower of Light at City Hall Plaza & Union Sculpture: Mar. 1), Miami (Miami Tower: Mar. 2)
  • GEORGIAAtlanta (Atlanta City Hall: Feb. 25- Mar. 3)
  • HAWAIIHonolulu (IBM Ward Village: Feb. 25 – 28); Honolulu (Aloha Tower: Feb. 25-Mar. 4) 
  • IDAHOBoise (8th & Main & US Bank Building: Feb. 25-Mar. 3) 
  • ILLINOISChicago (875 North Michigan Avenue: Feb. 25 – Mar. 3, Prudential Plaza: Feb. 27- Mar. 1, Wrigley Building: Feb. 27)
  • INDIANAIndianapolis (Indiana Power & Light Building & Monument Circle: Feb. 25 & 26)
  • IOWA: Des Moines (High Trestle Trail Bridge:  Feb. 25-Mar. 3), Davenport: (Davenport Skybridge: Feb. 25-Mar. 3)
  • KANSASLawrence (Lied Center of Kansas: Mar. 1), Manhattan (Flint Hills Discovery Center: Feb. 25-Mar. 3)
  • KENTUCKYRichmond (Eastern Kentucky University Pedway: Feb. 28-Mar. 1), Lexington (Helix – Lexington Parking Authority: Feb. 27 -Mar. 1)
  • LOUISIANANew Orleans (Mercedes-Benz Superdome: Mar. 1)
  • MAINEKittery (Memorial Bridge: Feb. 25)
  • MARYLANDBaltimore (Baltimore City Hall Dome: February 25 – March 3)
  • MASSACHUSETTSBoston (Boston Harbor Hotel at Rowes Wharf: Feb. 25, Zakim Bunker Hill Memorial Bridge: Feb. 26, Rose Kennedy Greenway Conservancy: Feb. 25- Mar. 3), Worchester: (Kenneth F. Burns Memorial Bridge: Mar. 2)
  • MICHIGANGrand Rapids (Blue Bridge: Feb. 25-Mar. 3)
  • MINNESOTAMinneapolis (100 & 111 Washington Square: Feb. 25-Mar. 3, 35W Bridge: Feb. 28 & Lowry Bridge: Feb. 25)
  • MISSOURIKansas City (Kansas City Power & Light Building – Will light purple for eating disorder awareness: Feb. 25, 26, 28; Mar. 1 & 3), Brentwood (Metro Lighting Brentwood Promenade: Feb. 25-Mar. 3)
  • NEBRASKAOmaha (WoodmenLife Tower: Feb. 25)
  • NEVADA: Las Vegas (Las Vegas City Hall: Feb. 25 – Mar. 3)
  • NEW HAMPSHIREPortsmouth (Memorial Bridge: Feb. 25)
  • NEW JERSEYCamden (The Ben Franklin Bridge: Feb. 25-27); Monroe Township (Samuel & Josephine Plumeri Wishing Place: Feb. 25-Mar. 3)
  • NEW MEXICOAlbuquerque (The University of New Mexico Dreamstyle Arena: Feb. 25, 26, 28 & Mar. 1)
  • NEW YORKAlbany (SUNY Plaza Building: Feb. 25-Mar. 3), Brooklyn (Brooklyn Borough Hall: Feb. 25-28, Weylin: Feb. 27), Buffalo (Electric Tower: Feb. 27 & Peace Bridge: Mar. 1), Highland (Mid-Hudson Bridge: Feb. 25 – Mar. 3), New York City (Empire State Building: Feb. 26, The Helmsley Building & Park Avenue Tower: Feb. 25-Mar. 3, Park Avenue Tower: Feb. 25-Mar. 3), Rochester (Rundel Library: Feb. 25-Mar. 3), Syracuse (National Grid: Feb. 25-Mar. 3), Yonkers (City Hall Clock Tower: Feb. 25- Mar. 3)
  • NORTH CAROLINACharlotte (NASCAR Hall of Fame: Feb. 25-Mar. 3, Wells Fargo’s Duke Energy Center: Mar. 1) 
  • OHIOCleveland (Terminal Tower: Feb. 26) 
  • OKLAHOMA: Oklahoma City (Crystal Bridge Tropical Conservatory: Feb. 25–Mar. 1), Skydance Bridge: Feb. 26)
  • OREGONSalem (Union Street Railroad Pedestrian Bridge: Feb. 25-Mar. 3) Woodburn (Woodburn Bridge: Feb. 25 – Mar. 3)
  • PENNSYLVANIABethlehem (Sands Bethlehem Blast Furnaces: Feb. 25-Mar. 3), Philadelphia (Cira Centre & FMA Tower at Cira Centre: Feb. 25-27, PECO Energy Building: Feb. 28-Mar. 2), Pittsburgh (One Oxford Centre: Feb. 25-Mar. 3)
  • RHODE ISLANDPawtucket (Pawtucket River Bridge: Feb. 25-Mar. 3), Portsmouth (Sakonnet River Bridge: Feb. 25-Mar. 3)
  • SOUTH CAROLINA: Myrtle Beach (SkyWheel: March 1)
  • SOUTH DAKOTA: Rapid City (Main Street Square: Mar. 1) 
  • TENNESSEENashville (State Capitol: Feb. 25-Mar. 3)
  • TEXASDallas (Bank of America Plaza: Feb. 28), Houston (1600 Smith St.: Feb. 25-Mar. 3, Houston City Hall & Montrose Bridges over 59: Feb. 25-28)
  • UTAHSalt Lake City (Salt Palace Convention Center: Feb. 25 – Mar. 3)
  • VIRGINIARichmond (Science Museum of Virginia: Feb. 26)
  • WASHINGTONSeattle (Washington State Convention Center: Feb. 25-Mar. 3, SR 520 Floating Bridge: Feb. 25- Mar.4, and Columbia Center: Feb. 28)
  • WEST VIRGINIAHuntington (The West Virginia Building: Feb. 25 – Mar. 3)
  • WISCONSINMilwaukee (Wisconsin Center: Feb. 25- Mar. 3)



The National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) is the largest nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting individuals and families affected by eating disorders. NEDA supports individuals and families affected by eating disorders, and serves as a catalyst for prevention, cures and access to quality care. Through our programs and services, NEDA raises awareness, builds communities of support and recovery, funds research and puts life-saving resources into the hands of those in need. For more information, visit


Kylee Tsuru

Momentum Communications Group

[email protected]


NEDA is grateful for Veritas Collaborative for their support as a sponsor of National Eating Disorders Awareness Week.