
Words of Holiday Hope from the NEDA Community

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The holidays can be a difficult time for anyone. Amidst the busyness and changing of routine and weather, it’s easy for us to struggle to maintain that holiday cheer we are expected to embody every single day. It’s okay to ask for help and it’s okay to set aside time for yourself. Enjoying the holiday season begins with you and your well-being.

We asked members of the NEDA community to share their words of hope and encouragement for those who are struggling this holiday season. Here’s what they had to say:

  1. Never think you’re not good enough, or worth it. Because you are. The fight may be harder around the holiday season, but it’s a battle you can’t afford to lose…it’s time to fight for your life back.”
  2. You are so worth this fight. Stay strong. Stay safe. Stay hopeful. And know that people love and care and support you. Believe in yourself and you’re halfway there.”
  3. “Take care of yourself. Know your triggers, know your limits, and know that you are more than your struggle.”
  4. “Remember that you don’t need to do this alone. Reach out for support by identifying the people in your life that value and appreciate who you are.”
  5. Choose recovery. Be kind to yourself and let your thoughts come and go. Choose recovery. It’s worth it.”
  6. “You are not who you used to be; you are new every day. Remember all your steps and efforts that have brought you here.”
  7. “Instead of looking at all of the busyness and events ahead, just look at this moment, and choose life. Keep choosing life.”
  8. “It’s like any other day, forget the negative…focus on what we can make positive…you have this, we have this, we are more than those intrusive thoughts.”
  9. “You have the ability to create new routes and choose different destinations. Be patient, be strong, keep going…and remember it is your evolution.”
  10. “You will be okay. You are doing great. You can do this.”